New Cor Gathering for Catholic Men

Mumford Council is proud to be hosting a local Cor gathering for Catholic men who wish to gather to strengthen their faith and forge friendships together. Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Mumford Hall 77 Prescott Rd Whitinsville, MA. Gatherings will usually last about an hour.

“Cor” from the Latin root for heart, is focused on strengthening our hearts through prayer, formation and fraternity. Cor is not another bible study group, it is a gathering where men can share what it means to live their Catholic faith and grow in understanding.

Why Cor?

Why? Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ. Through Cor, men will be formed and sharpened as disciples of Jesus, who are committed to serving him and willing to boldly live and share their faith. It is the mandate of every Catholic man to bring Jesus to a broken world. To live his faith and engage in this mission, every Catholic man needs a strong relationship with God that is rooted in prayer and the sacraments. Catholic men need to proactively invest in their on-going faith formation, to be a part of a dynamic brotherhood that supports, sharpens, and strengthens them to be holy men, hus-bands, and fathers, and to engage in the mission of the Church.

The mission of Cor is to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brother-hood committed to prayerformation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.