There will be no bingo session on November 3 2024. We’ll be open again next week 11/10!
No Bingo 11/3/2024
All Saints Breakfast 11/3 8am-12pm
Quilt Raffle
Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $12 The beautiful hand made quilt shown below was donated by the Blackstone Valley Heritage Quilters. The size of the quilt is 59″ x 73″ Tickets may be purchased from members of the Mumford Council or contact: Rich Green: 508-341-3875 Tom Pilibosian:...
March Food Drive 3/23 10am – 1pm
How does it work? People interested in donating to help the food insecure, drive their donated goods to Mumford Hall. KofCvolunteers unload the items from your car and deliver them to local Food Pantries (NAC, Douglas and Sutton) that same day. It’s simple, easy to donate and really helps...
New Cor Gathering for Catholic Men
Mumford Council is proud to be hosting a local Cor gathering for Catholic men who wish to gather to strengthen their faith and forge friendships together. Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Mumford Hall 77 Prescott Rd Whitinsville, MA. Gatherings will usually...