Update on Thanksgiving Food Drive

Between 10am and 2pm Saturday, KofC volunteers collected 800+ pounds of food donations, (12) turkeys and $170 worth of gift cards.  All turkeys were delivered to the Douglas Food Pantry freezer.  NAC Food Pantry received about half of the food donations and gift cards, Douglas Food Pantry the remaining.  Both organizations were extremely appreciative of our efforts.   The list of KofC volunteers included: Jim Folts, Jon Belanger, John Oatis, Normand Armstrong, Tom Pilibosion, Ernie Hillier, Ed Flamand, Joe Verla, Brett Belanger, Rich Green (boxes).   (I’m really hoping I didn’t forget someone here)

Tom Pilobosian was performing double duty, as he also conducted a safety review of the building’s emergency equipment. 

Jon Belanger