On Saturday, February 27th, the Knights of Columbus Mumford Council #365 conducted another drive thru food drive. Despite snow and rain the community turned out to assist us in restocking the Douglas Food Pantry and the Northbridge Association of Churches Food Pantry.
From 10am to 2pm, a steady stream of cars pulled up to the back door of the hall at 77 Prescott Road, where Knights unloaded the generous donations from trunks and back seats. Many givers told us they heard about the event through their church bulletins and the Facebook pages of the Northbridge Police and Fire departments. The Notably Northbridge Facebook group was also mentioned often. Our thanks to all those who spread the word to their neighbors!
All donations were sorted, boxed and delivered to the food pantries by 2:30pm when the Grand Knight locked up the hall and the last car pulled away.
In total we collected:
- 1,308 pounds of food items!
- $75 in gift certificates to super markets
- Hundreds of personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
- Several packages of diapers, laundry soap and wipes
The response of those who came to the aid of their neighbors in need during this hard times was truly inspiring!